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Monday, May 16, 2016

Something to Thank For

While riding the van going home to Manila, sleepy? oh yes, however, I've realized something that for the many years my life I kept on complaining (yung bang pagod ka na sa pagod na sa buong day mo ,masakit ang paa etc...). As I travel alone, it gave me peace of mind and the time to mull over my life and thought that God was good to me. He made me lucky to experience a lot for the past 35 years of my life.

At 26, He made me fulfill my dream (when I was a kid) to be an Early Childhood Teacher. And guess what! I enjoyed it for 9 years.

Then at 28, He made me feel how was to be loved. I was loved by the children I've taught as well as their parents. It's like I am part of their family. Then, I felt how be loved seriously as in a relationship. But because the getting-to-know-together was only half-baked it did not push through.
However, the feeling how to be loved by the person you love so much is the bestest feeling ever in the world. It's like you cannot explain how happy the feeling was. Imagine, even with his status in life, the feeling was the same. It is just like we were in highschool. Kulang na lang may bumatok sa amin at sabihin, "Pucha! ng tatanda niyo na,, nagpapacute pa rin kayo!"

At my 30, with my loyalty and honesty in where I work, I was given an opportunity to be a part of the company at an early age. And I experienced to receive an annual net income of the company. OMG! the money? oh yes! nakalift up ng feeling.Nakakatuwa na Pucha! di pala ako LOSER sa tingin ko!

At 34, He gave me a house. With a happy family. A Family that laughs and jokes with each other. Like friends. A family that supports you all the time in your ups and downs in my life.

At 35, He let me feel the feeling how to be working in International company. Which I did enjoy because of the different people I met there.

At 36, when He found out that I was so stressed with the life I had, He let me rest and enjoy my days seeing the sun and just the feeling of how may I rich woman will plan her day from morning 'til evening.

At present, all I can say is THANK YOU GOD and I ADORE YOU. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE THINGS YOU MADE ME EXPERIENCE, because without all these, I may not learn from it.I pray and I ask that at on this day forward, that I may start my day always thinking how beautiful my life is than how bad it was. I wish that everything will be okay and back to normal like what you have given me and hoping that a good love will find me. Because, I did have everything already except for that right love and a comfortable-relax life.

I never thought that I was at that level on where a lot would envy me but I did not think of that. Instead, I thought of how miserable my life was with all the hardships I was into.

I guess many of us are just like me, they focus more with the bad feelings what life gave them instead of the new discoveries that life brought to them.

How about you, how will you start your day tomorrow? will you start it the way I did? Thanking Him through and through with all the blessings you received and achieved or will still keep on complaining how miserable you are with your life?

START NOW. Change starts within us.


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