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Friday, June 24, 2016

Never been lucky with friends

Being friendly and too approachable sometimes may hurt your feelings badly why? Because you are totally opened-hearted to a person whom at the end doesnt have any intention of being true to you.
A friend of mine asked my help to  let her have a chance to buy a brandnew car without being rejected by banks. Right away, since I know in my heart amd soul that my sister is the perfect agent for her without thinking any payment or so, I referred her to my sister. I did not interefere with there transaction. My idea was to help my sister earn more because I know how difficult to be a solo resident in your own home. As well to help my friend to get to purchase a new vehicle.
In a flash! After days without hearing from both parties I carried on with my life. Go to work- go home and the routine goes round and round and round, my sister called and was devastatingly angry. She was having a foul mouth as well as hysterically screaming in dismay. She said that my friend both used us and that her boss os totally disappointed on her. You know what she did?! She asked the help of my sister for an approval. They got it and then she used it in another branch leaving my sister hanging on. I feel for my sister. She was certainly all now was scolded in the office for what this client did. Now I do not know, as much as I want to be the same with her I am torn between the two of them. And i do know in me that what my friend did was a total no-no. Both my sister and I felt that we are been used again and again. Sad to say.

By the way here's the thing you are not allowed to use your approval to any other car store .. If another car store processes it for you. Respect comes in here as well as integrity. But she used the approval having another agent earn commission on where that agent dindt do anything and that cost my sister's fury. Her boss was in a total red of madness with the incident too! Tao nga naman...tsk....tsk

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